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Associated Lawyers

About Us

Imagen Categoria


We are a team of upright, efficient and honest legal professionals who have been working in the Lambayeque-Peru region for more than three decades.

Imagen Categoria


Its core of its work is the prevention of conflicts, advocating the culture of conciliation.

Imagen Categoria


We are a national and international benchmark in conflict prevention and management, guaranteeing quality and efficiency in consumer protection.


Our Services

Imagen Producto

Arbitration and Conciliation

Alternative dispute resolution mechanism of a heterocompositive nature (that is, the parties in litigation do not solve the conflict, but a third party does it definitively) and alternative to the judicial jurisdiction, to which the parties may resort.

Imagen Servicio

Medical Law

Fundamental human right through which various rights are exercised, such as life, dignity, physical and psychological integrity, and is related to other rights such as food, adequate housing, work, education, access to information.

Imagen Servicio

Criminal law

Criminal Law is a group of rules that regulate the three pillars of due process, with the main purpose of applying substantive laws, or substantial law.

Imagen Servicio

Civil, Commercial, Modern Contracts and Intellectual Property Law

The Civil Code is a unitary, systematized and ordered set of legal norms on Private Law. Therefore, it is a legal text that regulates civil relations between people. The Civil Code is a legal text that collects the rules on Private Law in an orderly manner.

Imagen Servicio

Intellectual Property: Legislation, Contracting and Agreements

Intellectual property refers to an economic and cultural asset that includes intangible products, as well as physical products, recognized in most countries' legislation and subject to economic exploitation by the legal owners of such property.

Our Team

Abg. José Gamonal Guevara
Founding partner
Abg. María A. Fernández Mundaca
Founding partner
Lic. Indhira Gamonal Hidaldo
English Specialist
Abg. Ana Rojas Rivera
Abg. Verónica Chiroque Becerra
Founding partner

Our Clients

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